Let’s Talk Guidelines
Regenerated Me Let’s Talk is an open forum. Our policy is to keep intervention to a minimum and let the conversation flow but in keeping with our mission to make senior’s lives as fulfilling as possible, where necessary, we will use our discretion to delete posts (or ban posters).
We do have a few forum rules to make sure we keep Let’s Talk a fair and decent place to partake in.
- No personal attacks
- No posts that break the law, including hate speech of any kind
- No trolling, misleading or deliberately inflammatory behaviour
- No trollhunting
- No spamming
- No multiple accounts
You can report any of the above to us using the report button above each post.
Minding your language
We’d appreciate it if you could use the same courtesy when posting messages on Let’s Talk as you would use when speaking to someone face to face.
Post deletions
We’ll remove posts we consider to contain personal attacks, to break the law and/or to be obscene, racist, sexist, disablist, ageist, homophobic or transphobic, once they are brought to our attention. We will also delete any posts that we think are just seriously unpleasant (please note that any subsequent posts repeating the words in the deleted post may be removed also).
If a whole thread is deleted, please don’t start a new one repeating and/or rehashing everything.
Swearwords and offensive language
It’s not our policy to delete swearwords, but we do draw the line at obscenity, racist, ageist, disablist, homophobic or transphobic language, and wording that is obviously offensive.
Posting links and spamming
We have no problem with people posting the odd link to other sites/blogs that other visitors and readers might find useful or interesting. But we’ll delete anyone’s attempts to spam with links, as a way of promoting their own product, services, survey or e-petitions.
We don’t allow ad blocking software. Regenerated Me is free to use and funded by advertising.
Deleting a thread you have started
If you have a pressing reason for wanting a thread you started to be deleted, please report it to us and we’ll take a look.
Trolls and troublemakers
As we hope you’ll agree , the vast majority of Regenerated Me discussions are genuinely informative, supportive and friendly (even when we all disagree) but, from time to time, we are visited by trolls, for whom friendly supportive chat is definitely not on the agenda.
If you suspect someone of being a troll, please don’t accuse them publicly on the discussion thread. If you’re wrong, you could cause untold hurt; if you’re right, you’ll merely be giving them the kind of attention they’re after.
Instead, report your suspicions to us and we will look into it.
A note about disclosures of abuse
We urge all our members to point anyone disclosing abuse to the appropriate authorities and/or seek professional support and advice in real life.