Could these simple exercises mean no more reading glasses?
Having set up Regenerated Me to help as many seniors as possible make the very best of the next chapter in their lives, I want to cover as many aspects of ageing as possible – from building up our stamina and body strength to dealing with the ever-increasing digitalisation in our day-to-day lives… and pretty much everything in between!
And so, as I rummaged for yet another pair of my reading glasses recently (I must have around a dozen dotted around the house!), I was reminded of a product I bought some ten years go called The Read Without Glasses Method.
Like so many other people, having enjoyed nigh-on 20/20 vision for most of my life, when I turned 50 I found reading was becoming a bit of a headache. Literally. I was squinting more, adjusting the light more, and holding my book further and further from my eyes.
And so, after a long hard word with myself about being vain and not wanting ‘face furniture’, I bought my first pair of reading glasses. Some time later, having lost glasses, sat on glasses and collected far too many pairs of glasses, I came across The Read Without Glasses Method and sent off for it.
Comprising a DVD and 2 exercise charts, I followed the easy-to-follow instructions and gave it a whirl. The thing is though, the method isn’t a magic bullet and requires at least 6 minutes a day to do the exercises. And so, having noticed some improvement in my reading vision, good old inertia set in and I simply stopped doing them.
But roll-on 10 years or so, and I’m ready to give it another shot, and chart my progress over the coming weeks right here at Regenerated Me. So look out for my regular postings to see how I’m getting on. And if I am genuinely pleased with the results, I will be more than happy to endorse the method personally.
And if I’m not, I won’t!