type="audio/mpeg" controls I'm sorry. You're browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Former PE teacher Julie Robinson, through her multi-award-winning company Move It Or Lose It, is quite literally revolutionising the way we think about the ageing body, and about how we...
type="audio/mpeg" controls I'm sorry. You're browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Born to Chinese parents in Hampstead, London in 1939, writer, lecturer, artist and photographer Grace Lau discusses her incredible – and often surprising – artistic career, taking us on...
According to the USA’s National Institute On Ageing (NIA), what’s present inside our guts (our gut microbiome) may well be significant in terms of our overall health… and even our life spans. What appears to be key is having the right amount and balance of these...
type="audio/mpeg" controls I'm sorry. You're browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Some six years ago at the age of 60, Gloucestershire-based art director, father and grandfather, Neil Russell, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease – a progressive disease of the...
Fame – and possibly, fortune – is not just the reserve of the young. Here, Regenerated Me takes a look at just some of our favourite stars who all found fame in their later years. So if you’re a working professional actor still waiting for that “big break”, or you’re...